Support Ukrainian children

What does the app look like?

Иконкой будет ваш логотип или любое желаемое изображение

Home Page

The color scheme will be adjusted to the corporate colors of your brand or style


The catalog is loaded from the site as a list.

When you click on a separate section of the list, the product cards open.

The application has a display filter:

  • Cards in two columns;
  • Tile showing card from edge to edge;
  • Miniature tile from edge to edge.
Product page

We take the standard fields that each CMS has, and show the entire available content. All
the photos are uploaded in a carousel format.

What will the client see inside the product card?

  • Photo
  • Product name;
  • Price;
  • Color;
  • Size;
  • Description;
  • Features;
Tablet version

An adapted version for tablets will be released soon. More products displayed on one screen

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